Sunday, February 17, 2008

Random Weekend Excrement

Ok well I have decided to have a semi regular entry called random excrement. To fully embody this notion I searched for random shit, and randomly selected a photograph for this entry. Don't expect this type of entry to appear weekly, monthly, or on any type of schedule, that is because it is random god damnit. If you did not understand that to begin with, well it is time that you stop reading, roll yourself into a ball and hope the jesus loves you... which I doubt. I am fired up on 3 rotors, yes ladies and gentlemen I switched that metaphor from the piston model for combustion engines to the Wankel. Ok here are the topics for random excrement today:

--I am a sophisticated Redneck


--Neocons are Pussies

--A Eulogy for HD-DVD

Let me start with the more political portion of this entry. As i stated in my initial post, I will comment on politics from time to time. Those who know me, will know that i am a rabid liberal who foams at the mouth when conservatives lob ad hominem insults at people like myself, or for that matter throw a fallacy out there and say it enough times that it becomes facts. Well I have had enough of the Karl Rove's of the world, who try to pump up their criminal bosses as patriots. What I say to them? Well simply put Neocons are Pussies. I am sick of hearing these phonies say how liberals hate America, aren't patriots, or any of the other words that "fire up the base", well you're pussies deal with it. You run around like chicken little screaming that the terrorists are coming. If we don't get them there they will follow us home... what are they lost fucking puppies? Lets bomb Iraq which is in the middle of a civil war, and then send in troops... of course not our kids though. As Bill Maher said the other night, it is time for Mitt Romney's whitebread sons to suit up and go into the green zone. Put your money where your mouth is. The conservatives are also so scared that people are communicating with each other, that we need to secretly wiretap everybody without any kind of warrant. Look at any damn white paper on data mining and it will tell you that you won't get any good intelligence off of doing that, but these chicken hawks don't care.

While we are on the subject of criminal enterprises, lets discuss the Bush administration for a moment. I can't even start on all of the scandals and moves that have sold out this nation lock stock and barrel. I will comment on what has really frustrated me. With the proliferation of scandals, I have had to put up with hearing spy-gate, leak-gate, and every other imaginable noun plus gate combination. I get it, Watergate... haha now it is the time to shut this down. Every media type who continues this tradition will now be a part of a new scandal called assholegate. This mass conspiracy of assholes has to be covered in a 24 hour a day news "cycle". Pundits will have to both support assholes, and bury assholes. Please lets retire this euphemism before I run head first through an iron gate.

Now that I have completely buried my future aspirations for public office with this tirade, let me discuss how I am a sophisticated redneck. I admit it, I like eating cracker barrel, I think professional wrestling is America's greatest contribution to theater, and I am watching Nascar right now... but in HD (see sophisticated). Now that the race just finished, lets congratulate Rocket Ryan Newman on his win. Ok well it just demonstrates that stereotypes are just stereotypes. I think a lot of the exploitative stuff done in professional wrestling is low brow and below the level, but I think there have been guys like Paul Heyman who have brought real drama to the medium. Some of the stuff done in the mid 90's grossed millions of dollars for promoters and entertained millions as well. Auto racing is another misunderstood medium. There are so many different disciplines of auto racing, that all get lumped into the ball of Nascar. Sure I watch Nascar, I just watched their biggest race along with 10 million other Americans, but its not the only game in town. There is road racing, dirt racing, rally racing, motorcyles, just about anything you can imagine, and for me there is real excitement in that. Hemingway once said that their are only three true sports, bull fighting, mountain climbing, and auto racing... maybe he had a point. Man versus Man, Man versus Machine, Man versus concrete wall, now thats competition.

Finally lets remember HD-DVD (2006-2008). HD-DVD, you were the bastard child of Toshiba, Microsoft, Dreamworks, Paramount, and others. You were technically inferior Blu-Ray, but you were a scrapper with heart. You were released with more titles, you were less expensive, and you took the early lead in the format war. You were killed in cold blood by Sony and the Blu-Ray people, who hired the studios to take you out back and shoot you gangland style. Sony seeked revenge for MiniDisc and BetaMax, and you succeeded, but at what cost? HD, you had gusto, you lived the dream, you will now reside in the attic with all the other obsolete gadgets.

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