Friday, March 14, 2008

Screwing around at work

Well when I am not the CEO of Banana Boy Productions, turning ideas into paradigms, then shifting that paradigm and turning them into innovations, I have a day job. Now I do work, sometimes even good work... but I must say I do tend to cause a bit of trouble. Mike or Hawkeye as I call him, antagonizes this type of havoc. Mikey Pine is the Dean of Engineering department and Culinary school that we have in the office, by making evil buttons and breaking things with a potato launcher.

This week I have been documenting this trouble making with pictures, as you see above. I get a kick out of sending these to Jen during the day and showing off how I can waste a full day just causing trouble. Wednesday was a little bit emotional since it was a going away party for our glorious leader Dr. Q. We all gave testimonials about how great she is, and I just had to let her know that I give her tremendous credit for not firing me in the past year that I have worked for her. I gave her credit for putting up with my shenanigans, which she so deserves.She gave us the present of word magnets, which Mike and I immediately exploited by putting up some great sentences as shown above. We then started printing out funny pictures and getting funny looks from people.

Also you can see a picture of our apple tree of staff. You have me as the cowboy, Chris as the skier, and Mike will soon have one as an outlaw biker, which will make us... the village people. It is hard to describe how much laughter flows through the office every day. It is truly a miracle that we get any work done

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